Friday, May 17, 2013

Let the CRAZINESS begin

#1 The Baby - So I have to admit I had high hopes this would be an easy baby. With Erik in his first year of law school I knew I would be pretty much on my own. Easy he was not. At about 1 month the acid reflux started up. Luckily, we've done that before when Allison was a baby. He was mostly hard during the day and he slept all right at night, aside from waking every 2 hrs to eat. Life was intense there for a while but we got through it. Poor guy, I guess he had it rough too. It must be so uncomfortable.

Kissy little lips

Look at this little fuzzball!

Lots and lots of screaming


#2 Kindergarten - Allison is loving school. There is one other girl in her class in our ward so we started a carpool with her. Her name is Emily and she is loads of fun!

Chocolate and Vanilla

I appreciate Emily for how she treats Julia too. When we pick them up from the school Emily is always the first out and she runs down the hill yelling, "Julia!", picks her up and gives her a huge hug.

#3 Law School - Erik is surviving his first year of law school. Our bishop met with us before it started and very gently reminded us to do the right things first even through this intense busy time we were headed into. It seems like Erik has really taken that to heart. He seems calm, but diligent. He works hard, but when he sees a need he will often stop and take a few moments to help us out. I appreciate him so much.

1 comment:

  1. hi mom! this is Allison. When are you going to share the blog with other people in our new word? Well, anyway i am reading this right now just so you know. Bye! See ya!
