Saturday, May 15, 2010

We got to go to Mexico with Erik's family. It was a blast! We all missed you Easton, Devery and Mason:( We practically had the whole beach to ourselves. The girls loved it. They love their Hamlin Fambly. Julia was like my sister Colleen used to be - the moment we sat her on the sand, plunk!, she'd drop her whole face into it. She does this a lot. She must have this huge brain (wishful thinking). Very top-heavy.
This is Allison with one of her best friends, Anna. We live an hour apart so they're becoming phone buddies. They could talk for hours if we let them! :) Other Allison news: We finally had it with potty training. Nothing was working so the day Alli turned 3 we called her "a big girl now", gave her the underpants, and haven't looked back since. The funny part - it's kind of working. Who knew? I should write a book. We just enrolled in preschool at the Trinity Lutheran Church. We love love love it! She goes a few hours twice a week. She's growing up. She tells us everyday that she's growing up and that mommy and daddy are growing down. Not sure her logic on that one. She's probably right actually. These toddler years are way harder than I thought, but I'm loving her so much more because of it. What a fun girl to raise!
And I just like this picture. Julia is growing fast too. She army-crawled for the first time today! Woohoo! She cruises big-time, but falls a lot (topheavy). She also just started waving and saying "hi". Alli's bullying poor Julia around more lately. It amazes me that the second child ever survives. Apparently, Julia hasn't quite caught on because she always goes to wherever Allison is. We don't get it either. Well, that's all for now.