Thursday, March 17, 2011

The New Do

I did the girl's hair in pigtails a week ago and they've wanted pigtails every day since. I should never have started doing their hair (because as you might have noticed I never did their hair before this).

What's new, what's new? We got Allison in Joy School (preschool) with 3 of her friends. She loves it. She always comes back so happy. Each of the moms takes turns teaching. When it's our turn Allison is my big helper. She feels so important and calls her classmates "the three kids". "Three kids, I'll be right back." "Mom, the three kids are hungry now."

Allison is saying the funniest things lately. I need to write them down better. She mispronounces words a lot, but there are a few words too cute to correct. Like instead of actually she says askally. I hope she always will. It reminds me of Popeye. And instead of accident she says askagedagedagent. Seriously she really says that whole thing. I don't know why but it's too hilarious to tell her.

Well, I don't know if I've mentioned it before but we've had a problem in the past with Allison eating gum off the ground. I thought we were getting over it. In fact a week or so ago she saw a wad of that bubbly colorful goodness, hesitated, and then declared in a loud voice, as if trying to convince herself, "I am not going to pick that gum up and put it in my mouth". I was so proud of her. It couldn't have been more than two days after that she ate some again. Oh horror. If she only knew. Yuck!

Julia julia julia. We all love Julia. Sometime when she does something especially cute Allison says, "Oh, we love our little Julia!" Julia's talking a lot lately. I swear she came in the kitchen tonight and asked me what I was making. She likes to copy too. I was talking to two women at church. One of them was telling us a really amazing story. While she was talking the other woman kept saying "Wow!" and every time Julia immediately repeated "Wow!" Same intonation and everything, didn't skip a beat. After 3 times the woman stopped saying it. Oops.

She laughs at everything. She laughs when she's in trouble. She laughs when something is put away in the wrong place. Or when I wear something of dad's. She's started this real silly fake laugh where she covers her mouth, kind of squints her eyes and chuckles. I think she learned it from Allison. But anyway Allison is definitely the best at getting Julia to laugh.

As for the rest of us. We're doing good. Life goes faster the longer we're in this traveling thing. Here are a few more pics. PS We went a long time without any forehead bruises on Julia but it came back yesterday.

Never ever let go!

Erik gave us a lesson Monday on the scriptural account of the Iron Rod. Then we each acted it out blindfolded. The moderator held the rod (broom) to guide the way.
My personal favorite, when Erik let go and was stumbling over life's obstacles Allison exclaimed, "Don't let go, Daddy, you can't let go of the iron rod! Never ever let go!" Hilarious.
Phew! All is well again.